Micah 4- God will Strengthen His People.

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Photo by Jim Tracy

1 But in the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the house of the LORD shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and people shall flow unto it.

“The Last Days” here are referring to the last days of the Old Covenant, the time from the return from Babylon to the time of Christ.

2 And many nations shall come, and say, “Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and He will teach us of His ways, and we will walk in His paths:” for the law shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.

We are told in Acts 2 that there were people from all over the Roman Empire (the known world) worshiping in Jerusalem. This was the fulfillment of this scripture.

3 And He shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

The last hundred years of the life of the nation Israel, she was under the Great Pax Romana, the Roman Peace. This may have been the greatest time of peace in history; a time when a man needed a plow much more than he needed a sword.

4 But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree; and none shall make them afraid: for the mouth of the LORD of hosts hath spoken it.

The people lived on, worked and owned their own land in the time of the Roman Peace. As long as the taxes were paid and no one rebelled, Rome pretty much left every nation alone to take care of themselves, protecting them from each other.

5 For all people will walk every one in the name of his god, and we will walk in the name of the LORD our God for ever and ever.

The Romans (during the Great Peace) allowed everyone to keep their own religion and the Jews (at least the common man) worshiped the True God. The Pharisees worshiped Self.

6 In that day, saith the LORD, will I assemble her that halteth, and I will gather her that is driven out, and her that I have afflicted;

“In that day” means we are going backwards to the return from Babylon and discussing what happens then.

7 And I will make her that halted a remnant, and her that was cast far off a strong nation: and the LORD shall reign over them in mount Zion from henceforth, even for ever.

The remnant that repopulated Judah were the poorest of the land; the diseased and handicapped. But they won’t be the poor when they are the ones representing God to the world. It will be during this time of peace when God will set up His kingdom, (ushered into being at Calvary), that will reign over the earth forever.

8 And thou, O tower of the flock, the strong hold of the daughter of Zion, unto thee shall it come, even the first dominion; the kingdom shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem.

9 Now why dost thou cry out aloud? Is there no king in thee? Is thy counselor perished? For pangs have taken thee as a woman in travail.

“Yes, you are in pain, but they are productive pains.”

10 Be in pain, and labor to bring forth, O daughter of Zion, like a woman in travail: for now shalt thou go forth out of the city, and thou shalt dwell in the field, and thou shalt go even to Babylon; there shalt thou be delivered; there the LORD shall redeem thee from the hand of thine enemies.

“You, descendants of Jacob, will have the pain of going into captivity and then rebuilding your country, but that experience will birth a new nation guided by God.”

11 Now also many nations are gathered against thee, that say, “Let her be defiled, and let our eye look upon Zion.”

12 But they know not the thoughts of the LORD, neither understand they His counsel: for He shall gather them as the sheaves into the floor.

“The people conquering you don’t really understand what is going on. I am just punishing you, not destroying you.”

13 Arise and thresh, O daughter of Zion: for I will make thine horn iron, and I will make thy hoofs brass: and thou shalt beat in pieces many people: and I will consecrate their gain unto the LORD, and their substance unto the Lord of the whole earth.

God will make them strong again.