4.Good and Evil

Did you know there is no such thing as cold? There is only a lack of heat.

Did you know there is no such thing as darkness? Only a lack of light.

These are scientific facts.

Did you know there is no such thing as evil? Only a lack of God.

The devil is completely lacking in any part of God at all.

Humans are created in God's image. We have some shadows of the likeness of God.

When you choose God, you choose good. When you choose not-God you choose evil.

There is no neutral. Only God and evil. Every human, no matter what their upbringing, no matter who their parents, must make that choice for themselves.

Much of the bad that happens is the result of people choosing to deny God.

  • God wanted to be loved. 
  • Love requires the choice to not love. 
  • If He had not given us the ability to sin, to choose selfishness and cruelty over Him (love and goodness), we would have been no more than chimpanzees or robots. We had to have a choice for it to be true love.
We all choose to deny God at some time or another. This has negative consequences on all those around us. It also separates us from God, as evil is a lack of God. We choose to turn our backs on Him.

In eternity we will all receive just what we have asked for in this life. Those that choose to have a lack of God in their lives will be totally removed from all aspects of God. They will exist in pure evil. Eternal Death. Hell.

Those that choose to have God in their lives will have total God in eternity. Pure presence of God. Eternal Life. Paradise. (From a sermon by Rev. Andy Tracy)

In the 1800's, doctors would go straight from performing an autopsy to delivering babies without washing their hands. It was common for half of the women in a delivery ward to die from post-natal infection. If these doctors had followed God's command to Israel in the Mosaic Law by washing and staying separate for a time after touching the dead, tens of thousands of women would not have died.

Notice, the women did nothing wrong. They did not disobey. Yet they died.

When we choose to not listen to God, often others suffer.

There will come a day when all the wrongs will be righted and everything will be squared up. There IS eternal justice. ALL wrongs will be paid for. Yes, those sins that I have committed WILL be paid for. They are horrible sins deserving of the greatest, most awful punishment.

But you know what? My sins have already been paid for. You know the story. “He paid the debt He did not owe; I owed a debt I could not pay.”