Romans 13- Submission to Authorities

1 Everyone needs to submit to government authority, because God ordains governments. 

2 So, whoever rebels against their authority, rebels againt God, and will be punished. 

3 You don't have anything to fear from government officials if you are doing good things, only if you are doing wrong. So if you don't want to be afraid of the government, do what is right and they will reward you. 

4 Because government officials are ministers for God for your benefit. If you do wrong, you do need to be afraid because its not empty power that they have. They are God's tool to punish the evil-doer with, and to take revenge when needed.

5 And so, you need to be subject to them, not only to avoid punishment, but also to have a clear conscious. 

6 This is why you pay taxes. They are God's ministers to take care of the nation's business full time. 

7 So give everyone what is due them; taxes and fees to whomever you owe them, respect to whomever deserves it, honor to the government positions. 

Love Fulfills the Law

8 Don't owe anyone anything but love, because if you love someone, you will treat them like Moses' Law tells you to.

9 Because all of the Law (Don't commit adultery, Don't murder, Don't steal, Don't give false testimony, and all the other commandments) can be summoned up with "Thou shall love thy neighbor like you love thyself."

10 If thou love thy neighbor, thou won't do anything to hurt him. So, love completes the Law. 

Clothe Yourselves with Christ

11 You know how late it is. It's time to wake up and get busy, because Christ's return is nearer now than when we first believed in Him. 

12 The night is almost over; morning is here! So let's take off clothes of dark deeds and dress ourselves in armor of light. 

13 Let us walk honestly, as in the day. Don't walk in rioting and drunkenness, not in adultery and lust, in fighting and envying. 

14 But live your life for the Lord Jesus Christ, and not for physical fun, comfort and pleasure. 

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